Intip Scripth flash dengan swf decompiler terbaru adalah salah satu trick yang sekiranya perlu anda pertimbangkan untuk pembelajaran flash...karna trick yang satu ini kemungkinan bisa merugikan pihak pihak tertentu...salasatunya adalah pihak pembuat flash itu sendiri karen jerih payahnya dalam membuat flash dapat dibongkar hanya dengan software yang satu ini... untuk itu perlu ditekankan... trick ini saya harap jangan disalah pergunakan, sekali lagi hanya untuk pembelajaran.....
apabila anda penasaran dengan softwarenya ini dia software nya saya berikan secara gratis dan full version
SWF Decompiler Features
Industry-leading Flash Decompiler
- Convert SWF to FLA
- Convert SWF to FLEX project
- Extract SWF elements
- Get XFL from Flash CS5 SWF icon new
- Extract SWF from Flash EXE
- Office 2007 style, multi-language interface: English, German, French, Traditional Chinese, Italian and Korean
- Support Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 icon new
- Support ActionScript 2.0/3.0
- Compatible with Windows 7
- Support Flash components
- Decompile SWF in batch mode
- Decompile the standard EXE made by Adobe Flash to FLA
- Navigate and browse resources in preview window before SWF decompile
- Show AS Class structure like folder-tree according to its path in package when decompiling AS3.0. Support displaying multi-byte code in AS window.
- Globally search all ActionScript
- Export ActionScript file in AS, BIN or HTML
- Export the FLV video from Flash
- Provide SWF Catcher to download online Flash from IE or Firefox
- Offer a built-in Flash player to play SWF/FLV/F4V
- Auto-recognize system language
- Snapshot the playing Flash movie
New features:
- Convert Flash to HTML5: Decompile SWF and export Shape/Font/Text resources to SVG (*.svg) format, and the Sprite resources can be exported in Canvas (*.html) format.
- Edit existing SWF files by replacing Shape/Image/Text/Sound resources.
- The "Movie Information" icon is removed from toolbar, and the content is moved to "Information" panel (originally named as "Tag Information").
- The unregistered version allows you to replace SWF elements and preview results, but saving the new SWF files is prohibited.
- Optimize the stability and efficiency.
- Save the background color of preview window for decompiling next time.
- Some users are unable to register the program.
- Support Flash CS5, and able to get XFL file from Flash CS5 SWF.
- Auto-check the program version: users will be prompted by the program if newer version releases.
- Enhanced the settings for exporting single/multiple SWF file(s).
- When a Flash movie (SWF/EXE) has been added to the "Multi-file Export", the SWF/EXE file and the folder contains this file will be signed with a plus in the Explorer window.
- Added a "Recent Files" button to the ribbon bar.
- Offered a new function "Add to Favorites" for your convenience.
- Optimized the interface to be more user-friendly.
1. swf decompiler terbaru full version ==
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