
Gravity mc

// The game gravity
var gravity = 0.8;

// The floor position (y)
var floor = 300;

// Add the hero MovieClip
var hero = new Hero();
// Set the x position
hero.x = 550 / 2;
// Set the y position on the floor
hero.y = floor;
// Set the hero state to "stand"

// Add hero on the display list

// Create and set the speedY property to 0
hero.speedY = 0;
// Create and set the jump impulsion to 10
hero.impulsion = 10;
// Add an enter frame event
hero.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, heroEnterFrame);
function heroEnterFrame(pEvent)
 // On each frames...

 // Set the world gravity
 hero.speedY +=  gravity;

 // Move the hero with his speedY
 hero.y +=  hero.speedY;

 // If the y property is larger than the floor position
 if (hero.y > floor)
  // Set the hero on the floor
  hero.y = floor;
  // Cancel the current speed
  hero.speedY = 0;
  // Change the state to stand

// Add a mouse event on the stage
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown);

function mouseDown(pEvent)
 // When the user click on the stage...

 // If the hero is standing
 if (hero.currentLabel == "stand")
  // Set the new speedY with the hero impulsion
  hero.speedY =  -  hero.impulsion;
  // And change the state to jump