
stir control with key as3

var keyLeft = false;
var keyRight = false;
var balikLeft = false;
var balikRight = false;
var rotationSpeed;

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, tekanKey);
stir.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stirEnterFrame);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, lepas);
function tekanKey(control)

 if (control.keyCode == 37)
  keyLeft = true;
  rotationSpeed = 5;

 else if (control.keyCode == 39)
  keyRight = true;
  rotationSpeed = 5;

function lepas(control)

 if (control.keyCode == 37)
  keyLeft = false;
  balikLeft = true;
  rotationSpeed = 1;
 else if (control.keyCode == 39)
  keyRight = false;
  balikRight = true;
  rotationSpeed = 1;

function stirEnterFrame(control)

 var velocity = 0;

 if (keyLeft&& control.currentTarget.rotation>-90 )

  control.currentTarget.rotation -=  rotationSpeed;

 else if (keyRight && control.currentTarget.rotation<90)
  // rotate the object
  control.currentTarget.rotation +=  rotationSpeed;
 else if (balikLeft)

  if (stir.rotation < 0)
   control.currentTarget.rotation +=  rotationSpeed;
   balikLeft = false;


 else if (balikRight)

  if (stir.rotation > 0)
   control.currentTarget.rotation -=  rotationSpeed;

   balikRight = false;



 var putaran = control.currentTarget.rotation / 180 * Math.PI;

 control.currentTarget.x +=  Math.cos(putaran) * velocity;
 control.currentTarget.y +=  Math.sin(putaran) * velocity;
