
Xml berwarna class as3

package com.PustakaFlash.text 
  * ...
  * @author Ricko
  * imort com.PustakaFlash.text .*;
  * XmlberWarna.xmlkpala="quis";
  XmlberWarna.defaultFormat = 0xFFFFFF;
  XmlberWarna.commentFormat = 0x999999;
  XmlberWarna.tagFormat = 0x00CC00;
  XmlberWarna.cdataFormat = 0xFF9900;
  XmlberWarna.attributeFormat = 0x0066FF;
 public class XmlberWarna
  import flash.text.*;
  // awal jika blum di sett
  private static var tagkepala:TextFormat = new TextFormat('Arial', null, 0x999999,true);
  private static var a:TextFormat = new TextFormat('Arial', 12, 0x000000);
  private static var b:TextFormat = new TextFormat(null, null, 0x999999,true);
  private static var c:TextFormat = new TextFormat(null, null, 0xCC0000,true);
  private static var d:TextFormat = new TextFormat(null, null, 0x00CC00);
  private static var e:TextFormat = new TextFormat(null, null, 0x0000CC,true);
  private static var f:TextFormat = new TextFormat(null, null, 0xFFFFFF);
  // awl regwxExp jika blum disett
  private static var tgkpla: RegExp ;
  private static var ar: RegExp = /(<[^/gs;
  private static var brr: RegExp = //g;
  private static var dr: RegExp = /[a-z0-9_]*=|[a-z0-9_]*=/gi;
  private static var er: RegExp = /)/gs;
  private static var fr: RegExp = /"(.*?)"|'(.*?)'/gi;
        // sets the format for normal text di dalam xml
        public static function set defaultFormat(v:*) : void
            if (v is TextFormat)
                { a = v as TextFormat; return void; }
            a.color = v;
        public static function get defaultFormat() : TextFormat
            return a;
        // sets the format for comment text di XML
        public static function set commentFormat(v:*) : void
            if (v is TextFormat)
                { b = v as TextFormat; return void; }
            b.color = v;
        public static function get commentFormat() : TextFormat
            return b;
        // sets the format for tags di XML
        public static function set tagFormat(v:*) : void
            if (v is TextFormat)
                { c = v as TextFormat; return void; }
            c.color = v;
        public static function get tagFormat() : TextFormat
            return c;
        // sets the format for CDATA tags di XML
        public static function set cdataFormat(v:*) : void
            if (v is TextFormat)
                { d = v as TextFormat; return void; }
                   d.color = v;
        public static function get cdataFormat() : TextFormat
            return d;
        // sets the format for CDATA tags di XML
        public static function set attributeFormat(v:*) : void
            if (v is TextFormat)
                { e = v as TextFormat; return void; }
            e.color = v;
        public static function get attributeFormat() : TextFormat
            return e;
  // sets the format for var tags di XML
        public static function set Formatvar(v:*) : void
            if (v is TextFormat)
                {  f= v as TextFormat; return void; }
            f.color = v;
        public static function get attributeFormatvar() : TextFormat
            return f;
   public static function set kpalawarna(v:*) : void
            if (v is TextFormat)
                {  tagkepala= v as TextFormat; return void; }
            tagkepala.color = v;
        public static function get kpalawarna() : TextFormat
            return tagkepala;
  //set tag kepala
    public static function set xmlkpala(v:*) :*
     {tgkpla = new RegExp("\<" + v+ "(.*?)\>|\<\/" + v + "\>","gi");}
  public static function get xmlkpala() :*
            return tgkpla;
        public static function colorize(_txt: TextField) : void
            var txt: String = _txt.text;
            var match: Object;
            // this colors tags
            match = ar.exec(txt);
            while (match != null)
                _txt.setTextFormat(c, match.index, match.index + match[0].length);
                match = ar.exec(txt);
            // this colors CDATA start tags
            match = brr.exec(txt);
            while (match != null)
                _txt.setTextFormat(d, match.index, match.index + match[0].length);
                  match = brr.exec(txt);
            // this colors CDATA end tags
            match = cr.exec(txt);
            while (match != null)
                _txt.setTextFormat(d, match.index, match.index + match[0].length);
                match = cr.exec(txt);
            // this colors attributes
            match = dr.exec(txt);
            while (match != null)
                _txt.setTextFormat(e, match.index, match.index + match[0].length);
                match = dr.exec(txt);
            // this colors multi-line comments
            match = er.exec(txt);
            while (match != null)
                _txt.setTextFormat(b, match.index, match.index + match[0].length);
                match = er.exec(txt);
    // this colors var
     match =  fr.exec(txt);
            while (match != null)
                _txt.setTextFormat(f, match.index, match.index + match[0].length);
                match = fr.exec(txt);
    match = tgkpla.exec(txt);
            while (match != null)
                _txt.setTextFormat(tagkepala, match.index, match.index + match[0].length);
                match = tgkpla.exec(txt);
